TUNE IT in action
Nearly a year ago, we launched the international version of the TUNE IT course. Over the past year, we successfully completed five courses—four at the national level in Belgium & the Netherlands, Croatia, Ukraine, and Turkey—with the final course concluding in January 2025. A total of 180 participants actively engaged in discovering, understanding, and deciphering the world of Ecosystem Services and Nature Benefits.
The courses highlighted the wealth of theoretical knowledge developed over the past three decades on this critical topic. They also underscored the importance of practical tools, methods, and instruments for integrating theory into the daily work of experts. However, bridging the gap between theory and practice remains a challenge.
While some stakeholders are better equipped with tools and methods, the diversity of these instruments—ranging from simple to complex—requires varying levels of time, expertise, and financial resources to master. The TUNE IT course provided participants with guidance on navigating the complexities of valuing Ecosystem Services. Importantly, it emphasized that not everything needs to, or should, be monetized. Participants explored a wide range of valuation and measurement techniques, including bioindicators, while acknowledging that monetary valuation remains a key area for further exploration.
Examples of Tools Explored:
Ecosystem Services Valuation Data Base: Ecosystem Services Valuation Database | Foundation for Sustainable Development |Environmental Research
Nature Value Explorer: Natuurwaardeverkenner
Atlas Natural Capital: Atlas Natural Capital | Drupal
A Course of Action and Inspiration
Did the course inspire action? Yes, it did! Participants left with concrete Action Plans, whether for project development, securing financial resources, engaging a broader audience, or rethinking strategies. Some left with more questions, but all left with a renewed commitment to deepen their knowledge and apply the right tools to raise awareness within their organizations and communities.
“If you’re looking to restore a natural area, you can take the TUNE IT course in your country as well. We bring together knowledge and best practices from across Europe,” said Loredana Enachescu, Project Coordinator.
Next Steps: Scaling Up Impact
The project partners are now evaluating the courses' results and exploring ways to scale up their impact beyond the project's official timeline.
For more information, including access to public documents and updates on future TUNE IT courses, stay tuned to our website or contact Loredana Enachescu, Project Coordinator.

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