Newt Research LIFE Green Valleys

Sam Van de Poel
feb 2020
Type publicatie
Biotopen en habitats
Inventarisatie & monitoring
LIFE Green Valleys
Natura 2000

Nowadays in Flanders, the Great crested newt has a quite large but localized (fragmented) distribution. Based on research and the long‐term monitoring of populations, the knowledge of the species and its needs has increased strongly during the latest decennia. More and more populations are managed using this new knowledge and so positive population trends are heeded. But these positive messages mainly are originating from populations that are housed within nature reserves where special measures are taken. And since only 36% of the known populations are located within SBZ‐H and less than one quarter of the populations is located within nature reserves, the Great crested newt is far from being saved.

The project areas of LIFE Green Valleys in Flanders contains only one area (Pikhakendonk) that is located within the areas assigned to the Great crested newt by the Species Protection Programme that is approved by the Flemish minister of environment at the end of 2019. On the north side, the rest of the project areas is surrounded by the areas selected for the Great crested newt.